It’s a dynamic time for every business, and at Schoolbox, we’ve been keeping our ears close to the ground and following the enriching discussions and suggestions in our customer forums.
Our number one priority remains ensuring that our customers have the tools they need to provide quality education in this ever-changing landscape.
To date, we have delivered 100+ forum ideas suggested by our schools.
No doubt it’s been a challenging few months but, at Schoolbox, one thing hasn’t changed—enabling customer success—and that’s exactly what our latest release sets out to do.
Our remarkable team delivered 17 forum ideas in our latest release— v20.0.
Take a look at some of the exciting Schoolbox enhancements that featured in the release:
- Course Markbook: enable export of markbook to Excel.
- Admin Lists Overhaul: capability to delete lists such as Work Types; Campus; News Topics; Event Types and more.
- Rubric Markbook: enable export of markbook to Excel.
- Student Progression: showcase student growth (improvement) through developmental rubrics on Schoolbox.
- Resubmit Work: effectively handle student resubmissions through an improved workflow.
- Grades Page: enable current Grade Averages of Criteria/Capabilities/Indicators on page.
- Pastoral Care: enable export of results to CSV.
- Class Markbook: capability to show draft marks.
And best of all, looking at our past releases, we’ve been able to deliver these enhancements quicker and swifter than ever before!

As countries switch to post-pandemic mode, the needs of each school will again change course. Schoolbox is here to ensure K–12 schools are able to continue enhancing the education for students in any climate.
Have an idea? We would love to hear from you!