Updates to Our Terms to Reflect Our Approach with Premier Partners

Picture of By Aaron Wiseman
By Aaron Wiseman
Updates to Our Terms to Reflect Our Approach with Premier Partners

Some time ago, we launched our Premier Partner Program, in order to extend the value we were able to bring to our customers, by partnering and integrating with a range of best of breed complimentary software offerings. 

As this program has grown, the need to put in place a more structured and formal legal framework has become necessary in order to provide the most transparency and detail the respective responsibilities of these partners for our customers. 

We have designed a new partnership agreement which we are working through executing with each of our premier partners. 

To support this improved layer of protection to our customers, we have made minor amendments to some of the existing terms. Any changes to our terms come into effect immediately for all new customers after this is published, and for all existing customers upon your subsequent licence renewal. Any new policies are in effect immediately. 

Below is a list of updates to our terms of business and key policies related to this new structured approach to our premier partners:

General Terms

  • Clause 22.1: added and modified wording relating to school’s requirement to obtain consent from their end users relating to personal information.
  • Clause 23.1: Modified mutual termination rights to reference service order and subscription terms in order to accommodate the new premier partner terms.
  • Clause 41.5 (a): Extended clause to accommodate the new premier partner terms.

Schoolbox Subscription Terms

  • Added addendum to incorporate the new premier partner agreement and reference to partner specific minimum terms.

Support Policy

  • Clause 7.4: Added to outline how maintenance performed by third parties is outside our direct control.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.