Personalised Learning at Loyola College – Success Story Video

Picture of By Matt Sambell
By Matt Sambell
Personalised Learning at Loyola College – Success Story Video
  • Discover how Loyola College implemented personalised learning with Schoolbox.
  • Explore the three Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles that propel individual learning practices.
  • Learn about the positive student outcomes experienced by staff members following the implementation in the school.

    No student learns the same way and with personalised learning, each student can be provided their very own learning journey that incorporates their needs and interests.

    Join Victor Dalla-Vecchia from Loyola College and find out how personalised learning was implemented at the College and the positive outcomes that resulted for their students.

    Photo of Victor Dalla-Vecchia is the ICT Manager at Loyola CollegeVictor Dalla-Vecchia is the ICT Manager at Loyola College and headed the school’s Personalised Learning Environment (PLE) Project.