Schoolbox + Turnitin (old)

Schoolbox + Turnitin

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Empower students to do their best, original work.

uphold academic integrity

Uphold academic integrity

superpower your assessment

Superpower your assessment

foster original thinking

Foster original thinking

Customisable Modules

Access all of your favourite features from Schoolbox through your customised school app modules to meet the needs of your school community.









uphold academic integrity large

Uphold academic integrity

Ensure original work from students and address even the most sophisticated potential misconduct.

superpower your assessment large

Superpower your assessment

Give educators tools that streamline assessment processes, so they can spend more time teaching.

foster original thinking large

Foster original thinking

Help develop students’ original thinking skills with high-quality, actionable feedback that fits easily into teachers’ existing workflows.

Comprehensive similarity check

Schools can choose from two product solutions, integrated within the Schoolbox LMS platform.

SimCheck by Turnitin

SimCheck by Turnitin compares each document against more than 91 billion current and archived internet pages, your institutional repository and any consortia repositories. SimCheck ensures student papers are checked for similarity against the most crucial sources.

Turnitin Similarity

Get unparalleled content for the best similarity matching with Turnitin Similarity

Schoolbox + Turnitin

Comprehensive similarity checking, letting educators empower students to do their best, original work.

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